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Texts by ancient Greek writers and poets on Dance (available also as e-book)
Texts on ancient Greek Dance by modern researchers.
Aeschylus, Eumenidai, Prometheus Bound, Persae, Suppliants
Aristophanes, Clouds, Lysistrata, Knights, Frogs, Wasps, Peace
Aristotle, Poetica, Arts Rhetorica
Athenaeus, Callimachus Hymn To Artemis
Euripides Andromache, Anth. Pab. Bacchae, Hecuba, Heraclidae, Iphigeneia,
Auli. Iphig. Taurians, Kyklops,
Heraklitus frag. B 15,
Hesiod, Theogony, Homeric
Hymns, Homer, Iliad, Nonnus,
Dionysiaca, Pausanias,
Plato Euthydemus, Republic, Phaedrus, Laws
Plutarch Lives,
Plotinus, Enneads,
Xenophon Kyrou Anavases